Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beware the Goals of March

Every year I make 3 New Year's resolutions. (yes, I know it's March, keep reading) They are always the same. Have been for about 5 years now. Maybe 7. They will probably be the the same for the next 25 years. Maybe 27.

1. Read through the entire Bible in a year.
2. Read a book a week (for all you non-mathematicians out there, that's 52 in a year)
3. Lose 15 pounds.

(Clearly, keeping my blog up-to-date is NOT one of my resolutions)

Regarding #1: I've read through the whole Bible before. That's good. I call myself a Christian and feel like if you've believed in the same God your whole life, you should probably have read His whole Bible. I just have never read it cover-to-cover in one year. I'm doing ok this year, not great, but ok. (As in, unless I lock myself in a cabin for 5 days with nothing to do but drink coffee and read my Bible, I will probably be playing catch-up all year. And it's not even 1/4 over yet.)

Regarding #2: I don't know why I even tell myself I'm going to do this anymore. I don't have the discipline to read a full book a week. Notice I didn't say I don't have the time. I know that I don't HAVE to watch Chuck on Monday nights, or Community on Thursday, or The Tool Academy....ever. But I do. Every week. Also, progressing in #2 is sometimes inhibited by my lack of completing #1 for the day. I feel guilty picking up a novel when I have yet to touch my Bible.

Regarding #3: This is the only variable in my resolutions. Sometimes it's 10 pounds, sometimes it's 20, but it's always something. I, being an American woman that does not struggle with an eating disorder and really likes pizza, french fries, and red wine, will probably always have some qualm about the way I look.

You may be thinking: Why, Renee, are you indulgently complaining about your New Year's resolutions in MARCH. You should be writing about Julius Caesar or Cadbury Chocolate Eggs right now.

2 reasons.

1. I'm actually excited about where my resolutions have taken me this year. I haven't read a book a week, but I've read more than I would have otherwise. I haven't lost 15 pounds, but I have lost 4 and I'm hitting the gym at least 3 times a week (wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more times per week than in '09). And I have been spending more time in the Word that I did before. So though technically I'm "failing" at my resolutions, I'm rather happy about the journey.

2. I'm adding another resolution. Can you call it a resolution if you make it in March or is that a once a year thing? Is it called a goal any other time of year? It sounds much weightier if it's a resolution. But, then again, it feels like it doesn't belong. It's kind of like peppermint. I hate peppermint gum, toothpaste or candy unless it's that blessed time of year between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

And, trust me, this has nothing to do with peppermint.

Ok, so we're calling it a goal.

Goal #4: I'm going to write a novel.

Now this has been a life-goal for a very long time.

Like, since I was 7.

But, my other resolutions clipping along so well have been encouraging. Like, "Hey, maybe I can actually DO something I set my mind to!" Sort of. With the way my other resolutions are going, it will probably be a novella, but hey, it's better than nothing, right? Now I just have to come up with a plot-line that I don't hate.

Any ideas?

I may post scenes if I like the ideas. :)