Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Baby Names and Recess

Last night Hubby and I were talking about kids, and he mentioned how he’d like our kids to have strong Norwegian names. I get that, we are the last people in his family to carry on the family name. His dad has about a billion brothers, but none of them popped out any boys. Redic, I know. No pressure to have kids with both an X and a Y chromosome, none at all. So I get the idea of it…carrying on the family heritage and all. The hitch is that there are no cool Norwegian boys names. We’re talking Axel, Hans, and Sven. Can’t you just hear me in a half a dozen years… “Oly, Thor, quit your pillaging and come inside for dinner you adorable little Viking children!”
Then Hubby says to me, “What about Bjorn.”
Haha. That's really a good one...super funny...wait...what about it?
He was serious. It’s a strong Scandinavian name, therefore, it’s good enough for our child. I had immediate flashes of poor little Bjorn on his first day of kindergarten. Teacher does roll call. Stumbles over the name. Mean kids in the class giggle. Recess. My baby boy gets knocked to the ground because his daddy wanted him to have a strong Scandinavian name. No bueno.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha then you can teach them how to cook all Norwegian and stuff! ;)


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