Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Someone Worth Checking Out

I'm not really big into the blog scene. I know, I know, I HAVE a blog...but really this is a place for me to get on my soapbox about crazy Christians and ugly shoes. I would not consider myself a wheel in the blog-cog.

Until about a month ago, the only blog I follow religiously is ThePioneerWoman. I'm addicted to her witty anecdotes and beautiful photographs of dicing onions and cracking eggs. Her Grilled Ribeye Steak with Onion-Blue Cheese sauce will go without mention here because even the thought of the deliciousness makes me put on 5 pounds.

I wish I was kidding. (About the poundage, not the recipe.)

However, if you like blogs about real people doing their best to love the Lord and deal with the ups and downs life throws at them, this girl is totally worth checking out:


If there is one thing I dislike...hate...dispise even, it's a preachy Christian. I get mad at people that only post things on their facebook status like "God is SO Gr8!" or "I am so FULFILLED in HIM I don't know what to do with myself!!!".

I get mad for 2 reasons:

1. God is not extra honored because of weird capitalization.

2. NO ONE is always that happy and fulfilled. So to me, they just come across as desperate and fake. Some of my most intimate moments with the Lord come from conversations that start with an expletive (from me, of course, not God) or a phrase like, "God, I'm so mad at you right now." There's a brokenness found in that sort of place that can lead to a deeper insight into who God is.

Think of the words of Jesus on the cross. "My God, why have you forsaken me?" Obviously, Jesus would not have tweeted while on the cross, but still, that wasn't a "Jesus Christ is: super-excited for what the LORD is doing in His life!" kind of moment.

And the Bible says to "work out your faith with fear and trembling" not "and on your facebook status so everyone can know how spiritual you are"

So if I can't handle hyper-spirituality in 140 characters, I'm sure as heck not reading some pompous, self-righteous blog.


Read Sarah Markley. She has a beautiful balance of insight and wit flavored with a deep and honest relationship with the Lord. She's articulate. She's genuine. She's refreshing.

And she has 2 adorable little girls.

And an amazing husband. (Usually I don't say things like that about other people's spouses, because clearly, Mr. Awesome has no equal. But just read their story, and you'll see what I mean.)

And she has an amazing God...I think He's pretty gr8 2!


  1. You are so awesome! Thank you for saying such sweet things about me. I also agree with you about the preachy Christian. And I'm glad you don't think I am. :). God IS gr8 but I usually don't put it as my status update. Glad I'm not alone in that. Blessings. Sarah

  2. Thank you Renee for sharing the link to Sarah's blog! I really needed to hear her latest post. I've added her site as one of my homepages.

    [Thank you Sarah!]

  3. Sarah! It makes my day that you stopped by! Thanks for always being transparent. Keep pressing on! I love watching you do life well! (Oh, that sounded horribly trite, and like everything I tried to discredit in my last post, didn't it?!? Remove any Christianese inferences, and you get my heart.) :)

    Keep it up, girl.

  4. Thanks for the great recommendation Renee!

  5. This is fantastic Renee! I love how straight forward you are!


"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."- Thumper