Monday, August 3, 2009

Why I'm Not as Thin as I Want to be (Part one: The Gym)

I want to be thinner. I think every woman does. But I realized I have a few things standing in my way.

#1. The Gym.

I understand the gym should be the primary way by which the goal of being super-hot is achieved. But I have several issues with this.

First, the gym is filled with tons of skinny, toned and generally in-shape people. This is fine for people that are not me. Sometimes, seeing others like that can even be considered motivation. I, however, am dabilitatingly competitive. I see people like that and I want to be skinnier, more toned and generally more attractive than all of them, so I get frustrated if I haven't been there in 6 months, and some girl next to me is running a mini-marathon on her tradmill.

Seriously. It's a sickness. I'm working on it.

Second, I work 40 hours a week. I know this excuse sounds as feeble as my arms are at the moment, but hear me out. I'm a homebody by nature. If I don't have time doing laundry, putzing around in the kitchen, or simply sitting on the couch watching Mythbusters re-runs, I feel out of sorts, and typically rather cranky. What this means for my relationship with the gym is that it cuts into my already too-short time at home during the work week.

If I get home from work around 5:30, eat a light something, go to the gym at 6:30, do a little eliptical action, a few free weights, get changed and come home a little after 8. Dinner at 8? Ick.

Ok, so let's get creative. I hit the gym after dinner. That means I get there around 8, hop on the treadmill, do a couple dozen sit ups, and roll out at 9:30-9:45. Ugh, no matter how I dice the situation up, I end up feeling cheated out of my time at-home time, and I get cranky.

I know what is going through your head right now. "If you hate it so much at night, why don't you go in the morning before work?"


We must be strangers.

My husband is one of those beautiful people you see walking around the gym. He's the male version of the people that make me feel competitive and like dirt simultaneously. He is sculpted so becuase he LOVES the gym. He says it helps him feel good, helps him focus, helps him relax. No, I don't know what planet he's from.

So I understand that I am entirely responsible for my jeans getting tighter. But those are the reasons I don't frequent the gym.

All those and, I just don't like it.


  1. You could skip the gym all together and start a small running program... or get a workout DVD.
    I hate the Gym because of that. And it smells in there. But I have my yoga DVD and I go out and walk/run a little and I am good.

    You dont have to do more than 30 minutes of working out a day. It shouldnt be that stressful.

  2. Hmm, I love the gym, but don't get to frequent it as much as I used to =(

    Kids have a way of changing daily routines... especially when there is more then one of them.

    So, no suggestions here cause my jeans, sadly, frustratingly, discouragingly are getting tighter too. Boo.

  3. I second the workout DVD suggestion. I've watched my mom do that for the past 30 years, which is the reason she, never having had a gym membership since she was 18, is still a size 2. :) Now if I can just follow in those footsteps...

  4. Why don't you pack gym clothes & a snack to eat before you leave work... then hit up the gym on your way home. Because after a long day of work the minute you get home you won't leave... lets just face it, its human nature after working an 8 hr. day. Also, when I was going to work I woulld wake up 30 min. early to do a workout video (not as bad as going someplace that early). Just depends on your preference. Also check into the gym to see if they have a class around the time you get off... its always easier to workout if its fun and with other people (if you could bring a friend even better). :)


"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."- Thumper